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28 docs tagged with "Audio"

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Ambience Constant

Choose from a selection of ambient audio tracks, for use with the Audio Player.

Audio Player Get Audio

Returns the most recent audio reference that the target Audio Player has started playing.

Audio Player Play

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No player | Targetaudio | Audio

Music Constant

Choose from a selection of music tracks, for use with the Audio Player.

Play Audio At Position

InputsOutputsexec | Playexec | Playaudio | Audiovector3 | Positionfloat | Volumefloat | Playback Speedbool | Is 2D

Player Set Radio Channel

Assign a player to a radio channel. The channel needs to be a non-negative integer value. Players within the same channel will be able to communicate in team radio.

SFX Constant

Choose from a selection of SFX, for use with the Audio Player.