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Creating a guide

Docs and guides are parsed using MDX. This means that you can use markdown, as well as JSX! (please don't define your own components here though)

JSX is not HTML

They might look very similar, but the JSX syntax is different from HTML. This means that you can't just pop a <p> tag in a guide without generating errors. Tags still have to be closed with a /, though!


There are currently 2 custom components/tags you can use:

  • IChip
  • GuideMedia


The IChip component will return the image of a chip from a given uuid. If you add the redirect attribute, the image will hold a link that brings you to the doc page of the chip.

<IChip uuid="98b99011-9be8-43b3-89cc-1e9d55bd8b51" /> // this will become an image of the "Absolute Value" chip.
<IChip uuid="98b99011-9be8-43b3-89cc-1e9d55bd8b51" redirect /> // same as the above, except this one is clickable


The GuideMedia component has 2 required attributes: fileName and fileType. fileName will be the file name of a file in Guides/YourGuide/assets. fileType is the type of media that the site needs to use. Available options are:

  • image
  • video
  • audio

We recommend the ussage of the height and width attributes for videos and images, as some files may be too large for the page to look nice. Use "#%" if you want it to use a relative size. (# is a number)

There is also the useURL attribute, but we do not recommend it. If you do use it, fileName will have to be a direct link to a file on the internet.


<GuideMedia fileName="Tutor1.png" fileType="image" /> // an image without a specified size
<GuideMedia fileName="FullTutorial.mp4" fileType="video" width="50%" height="50%"/> // a video, displayed at half its regular size
<GuideMedia fileName="" fileType="audio" useURL/> // an online audio file, referenced by a URL

Fun fact: even this page came from the Guides folder. You can use this as a template if you want (remove the header though, this should always be the homepage)