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Making a background music player

In this guide, we will teach you how to make a playlist in RecRoom!


These guides assume that you know how to navigate menus, wire chips, ect. If this is not the case, please look up another tutorial.

First we want to spawn a List Create and a few Audio Samples. Wire the sounds to the List Create.


Configure the List Create to add inputs so you can wire more samples!

Next, we want to spawn in an Event Receiver. Once spawned in, configure it, and select Player Joined.

Next, spawn in an If Local Player Should Run. Wire it like so.

Next, spawn in a Random From List Chip. Wire it like so.

Next, spawn in an Audio Player. Configure it and scroll down to Synced.

Make sure it is toggled off. Next, spawn in a delay chip, and wire the rest like so

Now when a player joins the room, there is a playlist of audio playing in the background.