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Hacker Prevention Systems

In this guide, I will teach you ways to prevent Hackers/Skids from messing with your game!

Preventing them from spawning the makerpen


Do not try enabling this circuit before whitelisting yourself or the room owners, as this will softlock the room

This circuit does not prevent hackers from spawning in objects by manipulating game files


This circuit has 3 really important uses: Preventing hackers from spawning or deleting items in your game via makerpen Preventing hackers from giving players Room Currency, Room Keys, or Consumables with Award Currency, Award Room Key, and Award Consumable, scamming you, the room owner, out of money Preventing hackers from setting the variables of themselves or other players to insanely high or insanely low values which can only be reset manually or by resetting everyone's variables, which is really unfair for people who got their score legitimately

The circuit is as follows

If you have any problems, contact @klokin_ on discord