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4 docs tagged with "Clamp"

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Grabber Get Held Object

Returns whether the Grabber is currently holding an object, and a reference to that object if so. If no object is held, returns Invalid Object.

Grabber Grab Object

On execution, the target Grabber will attempt to grab the specified object. If Steal From Player is true, it will steal the object from a player who has it held or holstered. If Snap to Grabber is true, the object will be moved to the Grabber’s position. If Snap to Grabber is false, the distance between Grabber and object at the moment of execution will be maintained until the object is released.

Grabber Release

On execution, the target Grabber will release anything it’s holding. If an object is dropped, a reference to that object will be passed as an output. If nothing is dropped, it will return Invalid Object.

Grabber Set Player Can Steal From Grabber

On execution, the target grabber will lock or unlock the object being held. If true, the held object will interactable for a player to steal. If false, the held object will not be interactable for a player to steal.