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18 docs tagged with "Conversion"

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Ceil to Int

Returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to the input value.

Color To HSV

Return hue, saturation, and value from the given color.

Color To Int

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Color To RGB

Return red, green, and blue from the given color.

Floor to Int

Returns the smallest integer value less than or equal to the input value.

HSV To Color

Return a color from the given hue, saturation, and value inputs. All inputs are in the range [0, 1].

Parse Bool

Converts the input string to a bool if able.

Parse Color

Attempt to parse the given string as a hexadecimal color in the '#RRGGBB' format.

Parse Float

Converts the input string to a float if able.

Parse Int

Converts the input string to a integer if able.

RGB To Color

Return a color from the given red, green, and blue inputs. All inputs are in the range [0, 1].

To Combatant

Covert a player or an AI value into a Combatant value.

To String

Converts the input value to the string type. Example: the integer input 10 would output "10" as a string. Helpful for debugging purposes.

To String

Converts the input value to the string type. Example: the integer input 10 would output "10" as a string. Helpful for debugging purposes.