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26 docs tagged with "Economy"

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Award Consumable

Award a room consumable to a player. Multiple award room consumable requests from the same client are sent in bulk with a ten-second cooldown. The Success port will be TRUE if the consumable was entirely, or in part, awarded to the player. If the consumable could not be awarded, the Success port will be FALSE. Use the Log Output toggle in the configuration settings to see more information about why a failure occurred. Logging output may impact room performance and should be toggled off when not in use.

Award Currency

Award some amount to the Player's balance of one room currency. Configure this chip to set the affected currency.

Award Currency

Award some amount to the Player's balance of the given room currency.

Award Room Key

Unlocks a room key for the target player. Multiple award room key requests from the same client are sent in bulk with a one-second cooldown.

Consumable Activate

Sets the input consumable to active. Use this to confirm a consumable used event. Can also be used independently. Displays the consumable as active in the backback and decreases the number of comsumables the player owns.

Consumable Deactivate

Sets the input consumable to inactive. Displays the consumable as not active in the backback and allow using another one.

Get Currency Balance

Returns the local players balance of one room currency. Configure this chip to selecht which currency to use.

Inventory Item Constant

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Room Offer Constant

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Show Purchase Prompt

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Show Purchase Prompt

Show player a purchase prompt for a Room Key or Room Consumable. If called too many times sequentially, the purchase prompt will appear as a Watch notification, instead of as a popup.