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82 docs tagged with "Game Features"

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Ambience Constant

Choose from a selection of ambient audio tracks, for use with the Audio Player.

Audio Player Get Audio

Returns the most recent audio reference that the target Audio Player has started playing.

Audio Player Play

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No player | Targetaudio | Audio

Data Table

A single data table. Edit the data table through the configuration menu on this chip. Specify the data type of each column and use Data Table Read Cell to extract the contents for use in circuit graphs. Must save room to commit changes.

Data Table Get All Rows Containing

Returns a list of row indices containing the given value within a specified Data Table. Configure the chip to select the data table and column.

Data Table Read Cell

Returns the value in the specified row from the specified column. Use the configuration menu to set which Data Table and Column to read from, which will also determine the output pin type.

Destination Room Constant

Configure this constant to choose a destination, specifying room, subroom, and welcome mat. If destination room is different than current room, only Entry Subrooms may be targeted. Party follow options may vary by destination. Use this chip with Go To Room.

Destination Room Variable

Stores a destination room. Destination cannot be configured from variable - for that, use a Constant.

Equipment Slot

Display up to six interactive buttons that can access Inventory Items (Inventory Slots) or physical objects (Holster Slots.) Configure this chip to configure the settings for a slot. Output type will change based on Type setting. Use with Player Set Equipment Slot Is Enabled and the various Player Equip chips.

Go To Room

Execution sends the specified player to a preconfigured destination. Use a destination constant or variable to specify the destination of this chip. Follow settings are a property of the destination.

Grant Reward

Grants the contents of a Reward to the specified Player.

Music Constant

Choose from a selection of music tracks, for use with the Audio Player.

Play Audio At Position

InputsOutputsexec | Playexec | Playaudio | Audiovector3 | Positionfloat | Volumefloat | Playback Speedbool | Is 2D

Player Award XP

Award XP to specified player. Will not function correctly unless Room Progression is enabled in Room Settings.

Player Equip Inventory Item

For the target player, equip the specified Inventory Item to the specified Inventory Equipment Slot. If the Slot is of Inventory type, this chip will take effect whether or not the Slot is enabled, but the Slot must then be enabled separately.

Player Get Room Level

Returns the current Room Level of the specified player. Will not function correctly unless Room Progression is enabled in Room Settings.

Player Get XP

Returns current XP of specified player. Will not function correctly unless Room Progression is enabled in Room Settings.

Player Unequip From Slot

For the specified player, unequip anything which is equipped to the specified slot. If the slot is of Inventory type, this chip will take effect whether or not the slot is enabled.


Get a reference to a single Reward. Rewards can be created in the Rewards tab of the Room Settings menu

Room Background Objects Player Override

Overrides the given player's room background objects state to the given configuration. This will take precedent over the room's shared background objects state.

Room Fog Modify

Changes the room's shared fog state to the given configuration.

Room Fog Player Override

Overrides the given player's room fog state to the given configuration. This will take precedent over the room's shared fog state.

Room Level HUD

HUD elements including progress bars, wheels, and counters. Configure to customize a single element, then enable & modify with existing HUD chips. Can be configured to pull data from Room Progression if Progression is enabled in room settings.

Room Levels

A specialized data table for use with Room Progression, with some cells and formatting choices reserved. Edit the data table through the configuration menu on this chip. Specify the data type of each column and use Data Table Read Cell to extract the contents for use in circuit graphs. Must save room via Data Table UI to commit changes.

Room Set Matchmaking State

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No name.bool | Matchmaking Permittedexec | On Matchmaking State Setbool | Matchmaking Permitted

Room Skydome Player Override

Overrides the given player's room skydome state to the given configuration. This will take precedent over the room's shared skydome state.

Room Sun Modify

Changes the room's shared sun state to the given configuration.

Room Sun Player Override

Overrides the given player's room sun state to the given configuration. This will take precedent over the room's shared sun state.

SFX Constant

Choose from a selection of SFX, for use with the Audio Player.

Show Reward Notification

Shows a player a notification about a single reward or a list of up to 4 rewards. Appearance can be customized in the config menu! Triggering this chip multiple times will queue the notifications up in order of execution, and each will play subsequently after the previous duration is reached.