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27 docs tagged with "Logic"

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Outputs True when all inputs are True. If any input is False, it outputs False.

bool Variable

Reads or writes a variable in the current scope based on the name.


Compares the two input values and outputs True if they are the same. False if they are different.


Compares the input values and outputs True if they are the same. False if they are different.

Execution Integer Switch

Executes the associated output of the compare value that matches the 'match' input. Executes the default output if no match can be found.

Execution String Switch

Executes the associated output of the compare value that matches the 'match' input. Executes the default output if no match can be found.

Greater Than

Returns True if input A is greater than input B.

Greater Than

Returns True if input A is greater than input B.


Takes a boolean condition as an input. If True, the "Then" exec pin fires. If False, the "Else" exec pin fires.

If Value

Outputs one input value based on the input condition. Outputs the "Then" input if the input condition is True. Outputs the "Else" input if the input condition is False. Only reads one of the inputs, not both.

Less or Equal

Returns True if input A is less than or equal to input B.

Less or Equal

Returns True if input A is less than or equal to input B.

Less Than

Returns True if input A is less than input B.

Less Than

Returns True if input A is less than input B.

List All True

If all of the bool values in the list are True then return true.

List Any True

If any bool value in the list is True then return True.


Outputs False only when all inputs are True. If any input is False, it outputs True.


Outputs True when all inputs are False. Otherwise, outputs False.


Outputs the opposite of the input boolean.

Not Equals

Compares the input values and outputs True if they are different. False if they are the same.


Outputs True if any input is True. Otherwise outputs False.

Value Integer Switch

Returns the associated input of the compare value that matches the 'match' input. Returns the default value if no match can be found.

Value String Switch

Returns the associated input of the compare value that matches the 'match' input. Returns the default value if no match can be found.


InputsOutputsbool | Inputbool | Result