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20 docs tagged with "Objective Marker"

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Objective Marker Attach To Player Or Object

Objective Marker Attach To Player Or Object sets the position of target Objective Marker to the position of an object or a player, for the local player. Marker will track target object or player until position is set again. If a tracked player leaves the room, the marker will remain at the last tracked position.

Objective Marker Constant

Objective Marker Constant defines the default appearance of an Objective Marker. Use with Objective Marker Set Enabled, Objective Marker Set Position, and the other Objective Marker chips.

Objective Marker Get Current Distance

Objective Marker Get Current Distance returns the current distance of the local player from the target Objective Marker, regardless of whether the distance indicator is enabled.

Objective Marker Get Enabled

Objective Marker Get Enabled returns whether or not the target Objective Marker is enabled for the local player.

Objective Marker Get Label

Objective Marker Get Label returns the current text label of target Objective Marker for the local player as a string.

Objective Marker Get Label Enabled

Objective Marker Get Label Is Enabled returns whether or not the target Objective Marker’s text label is visible for the local player.

Objective Marker Get Target Object

Objective Marker Get Target Object returns the object targeted by target Objective Marker, if it’s tracking an object. If target Objective Marker is not tracking an object, returns Invalid Object.

Objective Marker Get Target Player

Objective Marker Get Target Player returns the player targeted by target Objective Marker, if it’s tracking a player. If target Objective Marker is not tracking a player, returns Invalid Player.

Objective Marker Set Distance Enabled

Objective Marker Set Distance Enabled enables or disables the visibility of the target Objective Marker’s distance indicator for the local player.

Objective Marker Set Enabled

Objective Marker Set Enabled enables or disables the target Objective Marker for the local player. Use with Objective Marker constant.

Objective Marker Set Fade Threshold

Objective Marker Set Fade Threshold sets the fade threshold of the target Objective Marker for the local player. This threshold is the distance (in meters) at which the marker has fully faded from sight as a player approaches it. For finer control over the fade duration, configure the Objective Marker constant.

Objective Marker Set Label

Objective Marker Set Label sets the text label of target Objective Marker to the specified string for the local player.

Objective Marker Set Label Enabled

Objective Marker Set Label Enabled enables or disables the visibility of the target Objective Marker’s text label for the local player.

Objective Marker Set Position

Objective Marker Set Position sets the position of target Objective Marker to a position vector for the local player.