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7 docs tagged with "Control Flow"

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Fires outputs based on the inputted time to delay. The Run exec fires as soon as the node is executed. The After Delay exec fires once the input delay duration has completed. After Canceled fires after the delay node’s Cancel exec has been fired. Cancel cancels all current delays running from this node, except for delays scheduled for the next tick.

Execution Integer Switch

Executes the associated output of the compare value that matches the 'match' input. Executes the default output if no match can be found.

Execution String Switch

Executes the associated output of the compare value that matches the 'match' input. Executes the default output if no match can be found.


Iterates over the "From" pin (inclusive) to the "To" pin (exclusive).

For Each

Iterates over the input list. The loop exec fires for each element in the list. The Done exec fires once the end of the list has been reached.


Takes a boolean condition as an input. If True, the "Then" exec pin fires. If False, the "Else" exec pin fires.


Executes all output ports in order.