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Fires outputs based on the inputted time to delay. The Run exec fires as soon as the node is executed. The After Delay exec fires once the input delay duration has completed. After Canceled fires after the delay node’s Cancel exec has been fired. Cancel cancels all current delays running from this node, except for delays scheduled for the next tick.

exec | Runexec | Run
float | Delay (s)exec | After Delay
exec | Cancelexec | Cancel
Is beta required?No
Is chip a trolling risk?No
Is chip a role assignment risk?No
Chip UUIDcefee2a5-d4a8-4dff-8c4e-bad684ca8d34
Room availabilityAvailable everywhere


It delays things. Who could have known!


A 0 second delay means that the after delay port fires immediately on the next frame.


None so far!