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String Format

Use this chip to combine multiple strings together into a single string output. The "Format" input is part of final string output and can include other string inputs by using this syntax: {input pin # starting at 0}. For example, a "Format" input with a default value of “Hello, {0}!” with a single additional input pin with the value "World" is fully output as "Hello, World!". If you had another input pin you would use {1} to denote the 2nd pin. You can add more string inputs by configuring the chip and pressing "Add Input".

string | Formatstring | Result
string | Value
Is beta required?No
Is chip a trolling risk?No
Is chip a role assignment risk?No
Chip UUID77afc9dd-baa9-4312-b8b8-7ef479c840e6
Room availabilityAvailable everywhere


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