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17 docs tagged with "Commonly Used"

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Circuit Board

Use as a way to encapsulate your logic. You can have as many inputs and outputs as you like. Use the Edit tool to open up the Circuit Board and add nodes inside it to encapsulate the logic. Hit done editing on your Maker Pen to leave the Circuit Board context.


Put a comment next to your circuits to explain what they're doing.


Fires outputs based on the inputted time to delay. The Run exec fires as soon as the node is executed. The After Delay exec fires once the input delay duration has completed. After Canceled fires after the delay node’s Cancel exec has been fired. Cancel cancels all current delays running from this node, except for delays scheduled for the next tick.


Compares the two input values and outputs True if they are the same. False if they are different.


Compares the input values and outputs True if they are the same. False if they are different.

Event Receiver

Events are the entry points for all circuit graphs. Events are execution hooks for things like a player loading into the room, or knowing when a Button is pressed. After creating this chip, make sure to use the configure tool to choose the event you want to listen for. You can use the Event Defintion chip to create your own events to add to this list and use with the Event Sender chip.

Event Sender

Use the Event Sender to fire your custom events defined in Event Defintions. After creating this chip, make sure to use the configure tool to change the event that you want to fire. You can also change who you want to send the event to from the config menu.


Takes a boolean condition as an input. If True, the "Then" exec pin fires. If False, the "Else" exec pin fires.

If Value

Outputs one input value based on the input condition. Outputs the "Then" input if the input condition is True. Outputs the "Else" input if the input condition is False. Only reads one of the inputs, not both.

Log String

Logs a string to the logging tab of your palette.

Not Equals

Compares the input values and outputs True if they are different. False if they are the same.


Used to remove spaghetti from your creations. Consumes additional CPU heat.

String Format

Use this chip to combine multiple strings together into a single string output. The "Format" input is part of final string output and can include other string inputs by using this syntax: \{input pin # starting at 0\}. For example, a "Format" input with a default value of “Hello, \{0\}!” with a single additional input pin with the value "World" is fully output as "Hello, World!". If you had another input pin you would use \{1\} to denote the 2nd pin. You can add more string inputs by configuring the chip and pressing "Add Input".

To String

Converts the input value to the string type. Example: the integer input 10 would output "10" as a string. Helpful for debugging purposes.

To String

Converts the input value to the string type. Example: the integer input 10 would output "10" as a string. Helpful for debugging purposes.