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94 docs tagged with "Math"

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Absolute Value

Outputs the magnitude of the number. Is always positive.


Computes the arccosine of a number.


Computes the sum of two or more inputs.


Computes the arcsine of a number.


Computes the arctangent of a number.


Computes the 2-argument arctangent of a number.

Bit And

Computes a bitwise AND. The result has a bit set for every bit that is set in both of the inputs.

Bit Leading Zeros

Counts the number of zeros at the beginning (most significant side) of the binary representation of an integer.

Bit Nand

Computes a bitwise NAND. (NOT AND) The result has a bit set for every bit that is not set in either of the inputs.

Bit Not

Computes a bitwise NOT. The result has a bit set for every bit that is not set in the input.

Bit Or

Computes a bitwise OR. The result has a bit set for every bit that is set in either of the inputs.

Bit Pop Count

Counts the number of set bits in the binary representation of an integer.

Bit Rotate Left

Rotates digits in the binary representation of an integer to the left. As the leftmost bits fall off, they are used to fill the rightmost bits.

Bit Rotate Right

Rotates digits in the binary representation of an integer to the right. As the rightmost bits fall off, they are used to fill the leftmost bits.

Bit Shift Left

Shifts a value left by a number of bits. Leftmost bits are discarded, and rightmost bits are filled with zeros.

Bit Shift Right

Shifts a value right by a number of bits. Rightmost bits are discarded, and leftmost bits are filled with zeros. (Logical shift)

Bit Trailing Zeros

Counts the number of zeros at the end (least significant side) of the binary representation of an integer.

Bit Xor

Computes a bitwise XOR. The result has a bit set for every bit that is set in exactly one of the inputs.


Returns the least integral value greater than or equal to the input value.

Ceil to Int

Returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to the input value.


Clamps a value between a minimum value and maximum value. If the minimum is greater than the maximum, the minimum value will always be returned no matter the input.


Computes the cosine of a number.


Outputs the distance between the input objects.


Find how many times a value contains another.

float Variable

Reads or writes a variable in the current scope based on the name.


Returns the smallest integral value less than or equal to the input value.

Floor to Int

Returns the smallest integer value less than or equal to the input value.

Get Closest

Finds the element in Targets that is closest in space to Origin, and returns it, its index in the list, and its distance to Origin.

Get Farthest

Finds the element in Targets that is farthest in space to Origin, and returns it, its index in the list, and its distance to Origin.

int Variable

Reads or writes a variable in the current scope based on the name.

Inverse Lerp

Computes an inverse linear interpolation. The output is clamped between 0 and 1.


Computes a linear interpolation. The interpolant is clamped between 0 and 1.

Lerp Unclamped

Computes a linear interpolation. The interpolant is not clamped. When lerping between Colors, the interpolant is still constrained to values which stay within the set of real colors.

List Divide

Divides each element in the list by the next element.

List Max

Outputs the highest value in the target list.

List Min

Outputs the lowest value in the target list.

List Multiply

Multiplies each element in the list by the next element.

List Subtract

Subtracts each element in the list by the next element.

List Sum

Adds each element in the list by the next element.


Returns largest of two or more values.


Returns smallest of two or more values.


Outputs the modulo of the first value when divided by the second.


Multiplies the two or more input values and outputs the result.


Samples a 3D Perlin noise field and returns a value usually bounded in [0,1].


Multiplies a value by itself an input number of times.

Quaternion Create

Manually create a quaternion. Congratulations, you have reached peak math.

Quaternion Split

Split a quaternion into its four float components: x, y, z, and w. Congratulations, you have reached peak math.

Random Float

Generates a random float from ["Min" to "Max"]. "Min" is inclusive, and "Max" is also inclusive. For example with a "Min" of 0 and a "Max" of 1, both 0 and 1 have the possibility of getting output because they are both included in the range.

Random Int

Generates a random integer from ["Min" to "Max"]. "Min" is inclusive, and "Max" is also inclusive. For example with a "Min" of 0 and a "Max" of 1, 0 and 1 will have a chance of being output.


Outputs the remainder of the first value when divided by the second.


Calculate the root of a given value, with the default root being 2 (meaning the square root).


Rounds the input float to the nearest integral value.


Computes the sine of a number.


Spherically interpolates between quaternions or Vector3s "Start" and "End". Progress is 0 to 1. Also a rare, but refreshing beverage.

Smooth Damp

Moves a vector towards a target, with velocity based damping


Takes one input value away from the other.


Computes the tangent of a number.

Vector3 Cross

The cross product of two vectors results in a third vector which is perpendicular to the two input vectors.

Vector3 Dot

Computes the dot product. Commonly used to determine if the camera is facing a particular direction.

Vector3 Move Towards

Moves a vector towards target, not moving more than max delta distance at a time

Vector3 Split

Breaks the X, Y, and Z values out of the input vector.

Vector3 Transform

InputsOutputsvector3 | LocalPointvector3 | Resultvector3 | WorldOriginquaternion | WorldOrientation

Vector3 Variable

Reads or writes a variable in the current scope based on the name.