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341 docs tagged with "Object"

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Add Tag

Adds a tag to the input object or player.

Add Tags

Adds tags to the input object or player.

AI Get Target

Outputs the current combat target of an inputted AI.

AI Look At

Command an AI to look at the input target. If you want the AI to look in a passed in vector as a direction, set the “Look Target Is Direction” parameter to True. To make an AI stop looking, use the AI Stop Looking node.

AI Path To

Commands the AI to path to the input target destination.

AI Rotate

Commands an AI to turn an inputted number of degrees. To command the AI to back to default rotating behavior, use the AI Stop Looking node.

AI Set Line of Sight Parameters

Sets an AI’s various LoS paramters. The “Cone” setting acts like a vision cone that sits in front of AIs like eyes, where the “Circle” setting acts like a radius around the AI. The Require LoS For Targetting parameter defines if AIs can see you through walls.

AI Set Pathing Speed

Sets the speed for an inputted AI. This same setting can be determined by configuring the AI itself.

AI Start Combat Behavior

RRO Quest AI black box. This node tells the input AI to start their C# defined combat behavior. Note: this behavior varies per AI.

AI Stop Looking

Command the input AI to cancel its current Rotate and Look At commands. Call this before telling an AI to path after having it Rotate/Look At so it rotates properly while moving again.

AI Variable

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Ambience Constant

Choose from a selection of ambient audio tracks, for use with the Audio Player.

Animation Get Time Stamp

Returns the current time stamp of the given animation controller. The value is not impacted by the animation speed.

Animation Pause

Pauses the Animation Controller. The Animation Controller resumes at the same moment next time play is activated.

Animation Play

Tells the Animation Controller to play its animation using the Playback Mode set in the Animation Controller's configuration menu.

Animation Set Speed

Sets the Animation Controller's play speed. Default value is 1. Negative values play the animation in reverse.

Animation Set Time Stamp

Sets the time stamp of the given animation controller to the given time in seconds. The time stamp is not impacted by the animation speed.

Animation Stop

Stops the Animation Controller. The Animation Controller restarts from the beginning next time play is activated.

Audio Player Get Audio

Returns the most recent audio reference that the target Audio Player has started playing.

Audio Player Play

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No player | Targetaudio | Audio

Combatant Split

Splits the input Combatant into Player and AI types. Use this off of Combatant outputs to directly access the Player or AI.

Combatant Variable

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Dialogue UI Get Billboarding Pivot Offset

Returns the current Billboarding Pivot Offset on the target Dialogue.UI. This is used to allow a dialogue to billboard but also have it be placed next to a character and pivot around them.

Dialogue UI Get Dialogue Text

Returns the current text of the target Dialogue UI’s main body for the local player, and whether or not it’s currently interactive.

Dialogue UI Set Billboarding Pivot Offset

Sets the Billboarding Pivot Offset on the target Dialogue.UI. This is used to allow a dialogue to billboard but also have it be placed next to a character and pivot around them.

Dialogue UI Set Button State

Set the visibility and text of up to four buttons on the target Dialogue UI for the local player. Text will truncate after 512 characters. Buttons are automatically interactive when enabled. Each button will fire a Button Pressed event in the Dialogue UI’s board scope when pressed. Button visibility is dependent on the Dialogue UI being enabled.

Dialogue UI Set Dialogue Text

Sets the text of the target Dialogue UI’s main body for the local player. Text will truncate after 256 characters. If “Is interactive” is true, an arrow will appear in the lower right when the text has fully animated in, and the whole panel will be clickable for the player. The Next Pressed event will fire in the Dialogue UI’s board scope when this interactive panel is clicked.

Dialogue UI Set Title Is Enabled

Toggles visibility of the target Dialogue UI’s title bar for the local player. Visibility is dependent on the Dialogue UI being enabled.

Dialogue UI Set Title Text

Sets the title field of the target Dialogue UI for the local player. Text will truncate after 48 characters.

Get Position

Outputs the position of the input object as a vector3.

Get Tags

Outputs a list of tags the input object or player has.

Get Up Vector

Outputs the up direction of the input target, output as a vector3.

Get Velocity

Returns the velocity of a Player or a Rec Room Object.

Go To Room

Execution sends the specified player to a preconfigured destination. Use a destination constant or variable to specify the destination of this chip. Follow settings are a property of the destination.

Grabber Get Held Object

Returns whether the Grabber is currently holding an object, and a reference to that object if so. If no object is held, returns Invalid Object.

Grabber Grab Object

On execution, the target Grabber will attempt to grab the specified object. If Steal From Player is true, it will steal the object from a player who has it held or holstered. If Snap to Grabber is true, the object will be moved to the Grabber’s position. If Snap to Grabber is false, the distance between Grabber and object at the moment of execution will be maintained until the object is released.

Grabber Release

On execution, the target Grabber will release anything it’s holding. If an object is dropped, a reference to that object will be passed as an output. If nothing is dropped, it will return Invalid Object.

Grabber Set Player Can Steal From Grabber

On execution, the target grabber will lock or unlock the object being held. If true, the held object will interactable for a player to steal. If false, the held object will not be interactable for a player to steal.

Ground Vehicle Set Wheel Friction Multiplier

Wheel Friction affects how good the wheels are at gripping the ground - lower values decrease traction and make the wheels slip more and higher values can increase traction and make the wheels slip less. 1 is the default value for Wheel Friction.

Gun Handle Apply Recoil

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No name.gun handle | Targetfloat | Angle Xfloat | Angle Yfloat | Durationfloat | Return Duration

Handle Get Player Filter Tags

Gets the tags that a handle is using in its Tag Filter. The Tag Filter must be enabled in the handle's configure menu for this to work.

Handle Set Player Filter Tags

Sets the tags that a handle is using in its Tag Filter. The Tag Filter must be enabled in the handle's configure menu for this to work.

Has Tag

Outputs True if the input object or player has the input tag.

If Has Tag

Runs Has Tag if the input object or player has the input tag, otherwise runs Does Not Have Tag

Light Get Angle

Returns the angle in degrees of the target Dome Light or Spotlight.

Light Set Softness

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No name.light | Targetfloat | Softness

List<Rec Room Object> Variable

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No name.List\&lt;rec room object\&gt; | No name.List\&lt;rec room object\&gt; | No name.

Music Constant

Choose from a selection of music tracks, for use with the Audio Player.

Player Variable

Reads or writes a variable in the current scope based on the name.

Player Variable

Reads or writes a variable in the current scope based on the name.

Rec Room Object Get Holder Player

Gets the player currently holding this object. Does not account for when objects are equipped but not directly grabbed. Returns Invalid Player if the object is not being held.

Remove Tag

Removes a tag from the input object or player.

Remove Tags

Removes the input list of tags from the input object or player.

Request Velocity Set Over Duration

Sets the velocity of the input target, similar to Velocity Set, but reapplies every physics tick until either the input duration has elapsed, the authority of the input target has changed, or another impulsing CV2 chip has been executed against the same input target.


Sets the position and rotation of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, selected/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Respawn (Deprecated)

Sets the position and rotation of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, selected/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Seat Set Lock Players In

Prevents a Seated player from unseating themselves on a target Seat. Use circuits to unseat or unlock.

Set Position

Sets the position of the target player or object. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Position (Deprecated)

Sets the position of the target player or object. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Position in Reference Object Space

Sets the position of the target player or object in the coordinate space defined by the reference object. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Rotation

Sets the rotation of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Rotation in Reference Object Space

Sets the rotation of the target player or object in the coordinate space defined by the reference object. Fails if the target object is marked as static (as all child objects are by default) or if it or its parent is selected/frozen by the maker pen. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Transform

Sets the transform (position and rotation) of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Transform in Reference Object Space

Sets the transform (position and rotation) of the target player or object in the coordinate space defined by the reference object. Fails if the target object is marked as static (as all child objects are by default) or if it or its parent is selected/frozen by the maker pen. Will also fail on players that are seated.

SFX Constant

Choose from a selection of SFX, for use with the Audio Player.

SFX Play

Plays a sound from an SFX object.

SFX Stop

Stops the sound currently playing from an SFX object.

Spawner Reset

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Swing Handle Get Is Swinging

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

To Combatant

Covert a player or an AI value into a Combatant value.

Trigger Volume Get Objects

Gets all of the objects currently inside a Trigger Volume. This is not synchronized with the Trigger Volume's events!

Trigger Volume Get Players

Gets all of the players currently inside a Trigger Volume. This is not synchronized with the Trigger Volume's events!

Trigger Volume Set Object Filter Tags

Sets the tags that are being used as the object filter for a Trigger Volume. An object is considered by the Trigger Volume, if it has any of the tags in this list.

Trigger Volume Set Player Filter Tags

Sets the tags that are being used as the player filter for a Trigger Volume. A player is considered by the Trigger Volume, if they have any of the tags in this list.

Unequip Object

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No name.rec room object | Objectbool | Success

Velocity Add

Adds velocity to the input target. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Add

Adds velocity to the input target. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Reflect

The input target's velocity parallel to the input direction vector is reflected along the input direction and velocities perpendicular to it, are maintained. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Set

Momentarily sets the velocity of the input target in the input direction. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Set (Deprecated)

Momentarily sets the velocity of the input target in the input direction. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.