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293 docs tagged with "Player"

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Add Tag

Adds a tag to the input object or player.

Add Tags

Adds tags to the input object or player.

Award Consumable

Award a room consumable to a player. Multiple award room consumable requests from the same client are sent in bulk with a ten-second cooldown. The Success port will be TRUE if the consumable was entirely, or in part, awarded to the player. If the consumable could not be awarded, the Success port will be FALSE. Use the Log Output toggle in the configuration settings to see more information about why a failure occurred. Logging output may impact room performance and should be toggled off when not in use.

Award Currency

Award some amount to the Player's balance of one room currency. Configure this chip to set the affected currency.

Award Currency

Award some amount to the Player's balance of the given room currency.

Award Room Key

Unlocks a room key for the target player. Multiple award room key requests from the same client are sent in bulk with a one-second cooldown.

Consumable Activate

Sets the input consumable to active. Use this to confirm a consumable used event. Can also be used independently. Displays the consumable as active in the backback and decreases the number of comsumables the player owns.

Consumable Deactivate

Sets the input consumable to inactive. Displays the consumable as not active in the backback and allow using another one.

Equip Object to Dominant Hand

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No name.player | Playerbool | Successrec room object | Object To Equipbool | Force Equipbool | Steal

Equip Object to Off Hand

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No name.player | Playerbool | Successrec room object | Object To Equipbool | Force Equipbool | Steal

Equip Share Camera

Equips Share Camera to a player's dominant hand if the player is not already holding the Share Camera.

Get Currency Balance

Returns the local players balance of one room currency. Configure this chip to selecht which currency to use.

Get Party Of Player

Returns the party of the input player as List\. If the player is not in a party, it will return a list containing only that player.

Get Player Account Name

Outputs the player's Account name (e.g Coach) in a form of a string. To get a display name, use To String.

Get Player By Account Name

Gets a Player based on an Account Name. (E.g. my account name is @Coach and if I input the string "Coach", the output would be my Player object.) Outputs an invalid Player if nobody in the room has the given account name.

Get Player By Display Name

Gets a Player based on a display name. (E.g. my display name is Coach and if I input a string "Coach", the output would be my Player object.) Outputs an invalid Player if nobody in the room has the given display name.

Get Position

Outputs the position of the input object as a vector3.

Get Rotation

Outputs the rotation of the target as a quaternion.

Get Tags

Outputs a list of tags the input object or player has.

Get Up Vector

Outputs the up direction of the input target, output as a vector3.

Get Velocity

Returns the velocity of a Player or a Rec Room Object.

Go To Room

Execution sends the specified player to a preconfigured destination. Use a destination constant or variable to specify the destination of this chip. Follow settings are a property of the destination.

Has Tag

Outputs True if the input object or player has the input tag.

Holster Object

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No name.player | Playerbool | Successrec room object | Object To Holsterbool | Force Holsterbool | Steal

If Has Tag

Runs Has Tag if the input object or player has the input tag, otherwise runs Does Not Have Tag

If Player Has Role

Runs Has Role if the input player has the input role, otherwise runs Does Not Have Role.

Inventory Item Constant

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Local Player Enable Interaction with Target Player

Enables the local player to interact with the provided player. To respond to interactions, configure a "Event Receiver" chip for the "Local Player... Interaction" events within a Player board. Hold duration is the number of seconds the player needs to hold the interact button to complete an interaction. If Hold duration is 0, the interaction will be a button press or tap on mobile platforms. Prompt is the string that will be displayed when a player interacts with the provided player. Players will be interactive only for the players that ran this chip with them as the target player. Individual players may have different sets of players they can interact with. A player's interaction state is reset when the room is reset or reloaded. Enabling interactions with a player will make it so gestures do not work with them generally (e.g.: fistbumping, high-fiving, handshaking).

Local Player Is VR

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Locomotion Request Clamber

Request that the local player perform a clamber or a mantle. Custom Locomotion must be enabled in the active Player Definition Board.

Locomotion Request Fly Start

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Locomotion Request Fly Stop

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Locomotion Request Wall Run

Request that the local player begin to wall run. Not affected by CanWallRun directly. If you want that property to impact this request you should check it yourself.

Locomotion Request Wall Run Stop

Request that the local player stop wall running. Not affected by CanWallRun directly. If you want that property to impact this request you should check it yourself.

Objective Marker Attach To Player Or Object

Objective Marker Attach To Player Or Object sets the position of target Objective Marker to the position of an object or a player, for the local player. Marker will track target object or player until position is set again. If a tracked player leaves the room, the marker will remain at the last tracked position.

Objective Marker Constant

Objective Marker Constant defines the default appearance of an Objective Marker. Use with Objective Marker Set Enabled, Objective Marker Set Position, and the other Objective Marker chips.

Objective Marker Get Current Distance

Objective Marker Get Current Distance returns the current distance of the local player from the target Objective Marker, regardless of whether the distance indicator is enabled.

Objective Marker Get Enabled

Objective Marker Get Enabled returns whether or not the target Objective Marker is enabled for the local player.

Objective Marker Get Label

Objective Marker Get Label returns the current text label of target Objective Marker for the local player as a string.

Objective Marker Get Label Enabled

Objective Marker Get Label Is Enabled returns whether or not the target Objective Marker’s text label is visible for the local player.

Objective Marker Get Target Object

Objective Marker Get Target Object returns the object targeted by target Objective Marker, if it’s tracking an object. If target Objective Marker is not tracking an object, returns Invalid Object.

Objective Marker Get Target Player

Objective Marker Get Target Player returns the player targeted by target Objective Marker, if it’s tracking a player. If target Objective Marker is not tracking a player, returns Invalid Player.

Objective Marker Set Distance Enabled

Objective Marker Set Distance Enabled enables or disables the visibility of the target Objective Marker’s distance indicator for the local player.

Objective Marker Set Enabled

Objective Marker Set Enabled enables or disables the target Objective Marker for the local player. Use with Objective Marker constant.

Objective Marker Set Fade Threshold

Objective Marker Set Fade Threshold sets the fade threshold of the target Objective Marker for the local player. This threshold is the distance (in meters) at which the marker has fully faded from sight as a player approaches it. For finer control over the fade duration, configure the Objective Marker constant.

Objective Marker Set Label

Objective Marker Set Label sets the text label of target Objective Marker to the specified string for the local player.

Objective Marker Set Label Enabled

Objective Marker Set Label Enabled enables or disables the visibility of the target Objective Marker’s text label for the local player.

Objective Marker Set Position

Objective Marker Set Position sets the position of target Objective Marker to a position vector for the local player.

Play Handle Haptics

Plays haptic feedback through a held Handle object Duration is an integer in milliseconds between 1 and 500 Intensity is a float value from 0 to 1 At this time, haptics are only supported on VR.

Player Definition Board

This is very similar to an object board that you would find on any object, except this is for all players! After placing, make sure to configure it and make sure it is active. Edit into this board and add any other chips you'd like and know that each player will have the same logic on them when you hit done editing.

Player Equip Inventory Item

For the target player, equip the specified Inventory Item to the specified Inventory Equipment Slot. If the Slot is of Inventory type, this chip will take effect whether or not the Slot is enabled, but the Slot must then be enabled separately.

Player Get Is Grounded

Returns whether the given player is grounded, a.k.a. not jumping, flying, wall-running, clambering, or falling. Also returns the time (in seconds) since they were last grounded, or 0 if currently grounded. Surface Object returns the Room Object that the player is standing on if they are grounded, or Invalid Object if the player is not grounded or standing on a non-Rec Room Object. Surface Normal returns the normal of the surface if the player is grounded and (0, 1, 0) if they're not.

Player Get Is Local

Outputs True if the input player is the local player executing the chip on their machine.

Player Get Normalized Steering Speed

(DEPRECATED: Use PlayerGetSteeringSpeed / GetWalkSpeed) Returns the steering speed requested by the player, squared, and normalized by the square of the default walk speed.

Player Get Steering Speed

Returns the steering speed requested by the player. This value represents how fast a player is wanting to move in world units.

Player Prompt Multiple Choice

Sends a prompt to the specified player containing the prompt title and body, along with each of the answer choices on its own line. The player can choose a response and hit "ok," triggering the On Prompt Complete event. Since there is a delay between sending a prompt and receiving the response in which other responses may be received, the Player output can be used to disambiguate multiple responses. This prompt appears in the watch and can either bring the watch up automatically, or trigger a watch notification and show up when the player next opens their watch. To use a watch notification, disable the Immediate setting on the chip with the configure tool.

Player Prompt Text

Sends a prompt to the specified player where they can input text, which is then returned by this chip's output. This prompt appears in the watch and can either bring the watch up automatically, or trigger a watch notification and show up when the player next opens their watch. To use a watch notification, disable the Immediate setting on the chip with the configure tool.

Player Set Crouch Input Enabled

Sets whether crouch input is enabled for a given player. Setting this to false will remove crouch button prompts / UI elements on supported platforms.

Player Set Force VR Walk

Forces the given player to use walk rather than teleport mode if they are playing in VR. This is useful when you need access to their walk inputs which won't fire if they are in teleport mode. You should consider adding a warning to your room so teleport players are aware that you're going to change their movement mode.

Player Set Jump Input Enabled

Sets whether jump input is enabled for a given player. Setting this to false will remove jump button prompts / UI elements on supported platforms.

Player Set Radio Channel

Assign a player to a radio channel. The channel needs to be a non-negative integer value. Players within the same channel will be able to communicate in team radio.

Player Set Sprint Input Enabled

Sets whether sprint input is enabled for a given player. Setting this to false will remove sprint button prompts / UI elements on supported platforms.

Player Set Steering Input Enabled

Sets whether walk input is enabled for a given player. Setting this to false will stop Steering Input events from firing, and will remove walk-related button prompts / UI elements on supported platforms.

Player Show Subtitle

Displays a subtitle for a specified duration. If there is already a subtitle showing, it will be replaced only if this subtitle has an equal or higher priority. If the string is more than 200 characters, it will be displayed in multiple subtitles, each lasting a fraction of the total duration. Escape characters are ignored.

Player Unequip From Slot

For the specified player, unequip anything which is equipped to the specified slot. If the slot is of Inventory type, this chip will take effect whether or not the slot is enabled.

Player Variable

Reads or writes a variable in the current scope based on the name.

Player Variable

Reads or writes a variable in the current scope based on the name.

Player World UI

Define a set of world-space UI elements that can appear above a player.

Prompt Local Player

Sends a watch notification to a player. The player which it sends a notification to depends on who's machine fires the exec pin. Once this watch notification is opened, the player can type responses into the text box and send back responses. You can define the prompt title and the prompt itself via inputs, and can also receive the player’s response via an output pin.

Remove Tag

Removes a tag from the input object or player.

Remove Tags

Removes the input list of tags from the input object or player.

Request Velocity Set Over Duration

Sets the velocity of the input target, similar to Velocity Set, but reapplies every physics tick until either the input duration has elapsed, the authority of the input target has changed, or another impulsing CV2 chip has been executed against the same input target.


Sets the position and rotation of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, selected/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Respawn (Deprecated)

Sets the position and rotation of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, selected/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Room Index Get Player

Returns the player in the room with this unique index, bounded by the room capacity.

Room Level HUD

HUD elements including progress bars, wheels, and counters. Configure to customize a single element, then enable & modify with existing HUD chips. Can be configured to pull data from Room Progression if Progression is enabled in room settings.

Room Offer Constant

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Set Camera Shake

Start a screen shake effect for the given player. This will have no effect on VR players.

Set Player Vignette

Apply a vignette of the given color to the given player. The vignette will be displayed at the given intensity for the given duration, and then fade out. The intensity must be between 0 and 1.

Set Position

Sets the position of the target player or object. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Position (Deprecated)

Sets the position of the target player or object. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Position in Reference Object Space

Sets the position of the target player or object in the coordinate space defined by the reference object. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Rotation

Sets the rotation of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Rotation in Reference Object Space

Sets the rotation of the target player or object in the coordinate space defined by the reference object. Fails if the target object is marked as static (as all child objects are by default) or if it or its parent is selected/frozen by the maker pen. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Transform

Sets the transform (position and rotation) of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Transform in Reference Object Space

Sets the transform (position and rotation) of the target player or object in the coordinate space defined by the reference object. Fails if the target object is marked as static (as all child objects are by default) or if it or its parent is selected/frozen by the maker pen. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Show Purchase Prompt

This chip requires beta content to be enabled in the room. You can access the setting in "This Room -> Settings".

Show Purchase Prompt

Show player a purchase prompt for a Room Key or Room Consumable. If called too many times sequentially, the purchase prompt will appear as a Watch notification, instead of as a popup.

Show Reward Notification

Shows a player a notification about a single reward or a list of up to 4 rewards. Appearance can be customized in the config menu! Triggering this chip multiple times will queue the notifications up in order of execution, and each will play subsequently after the previous duration is reached.

To String

Converts the input value to the string type. Example: the integer input 10 would output "10" as a string. Helpful for debugging purposes.

To String

Converts the input value to the string type. Example: the integer input 10 would output "10" as a string. Helpful for debugging purposes.

Unequip From Player

InputsOutputsexec | No name.exec | No name.player | Playerbool | Successrec room object | Object

Velocity Add

Adds velocity to the input target. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Add

Adds velocity to the input target. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Reflect

The input target's velocity parallel to the input direction vector is reflected along the input direction and velocities perpendicular to it, are maintained. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Set

Momentarily sets the velocity of the input target in the input direction. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Set (Deprecated)

Momentarily sets the velocity of the input target in the input direction. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.