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79 docs tagged with "Physics"

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Angular Velocity Add

Add angular velocity to an object. The Angular Velocity vector should lie along the axis of the rotation being added, with a magnitude that (once multiplied by the speed multiplier) represents the clockwise rotation speed in deg/s. Once the new angular velocity has been computed, its speed will be capped by the Max Angular Speed.

Angular Velocity Set

Sets the angular velocity of an object. The Angular Velocity vector should lie along the axis of rotation, with a magnitude that (once multiplied by the speed multiplier) represents the clockwise rotation speed in deg/s.

Collision Data Get Normal

Gets unit vector specifying the direction of an object/player from center specified in "Overlap Sphere" chip.


Outputs the distance between the input objects.

Get Closest

Finds the element in Targets that is closest in space to Origin, and returns it, its index in the list, and its distance to Origin.

Get Farthest

Finds the element in Targets that is farthest in space to Origin, and returns it, its index in the list, and its distance to Origin.

Get Position

Outputs the position of the input object as a vector3.

Get Rotation

Outputs the rotation of the target as a quaternion.

Get Up Vector

Outputs the up direction of the input target, output as a vector3.

Get Velocity

Returns the velocity of a Player or a Rec Room Object.

Overlap Box

Get information about all the objects/players within a box defined by its center, extents, and orientation. (position, distance, direction, etc.)

Overlap Sphere

Get information about all the objects/players within a certain distance of a point in space (position, distance, direction, etc.)

Player Get Is Grounded

Returns whether the given player is grounded, a.k.a. not jumping, flying, wall-running, clambering, or falling. Also returns the time (in seconds) since they were last grounded, or 0 if currently grounded. Surface Object returns the Room Object that the player is standing on if they are grounded, or Invalid Object if the player is not grounded or standing on a non-Rec Room Object. Surface Normal returns the normal of the surface if the player is grounded and (0, 1, 0) if they're not.


Fires an invisible ray from the "Start Position", in the "Direction" specified. Returns True if any object or player is hit within the target "Max Distance". Otherwise, returns False. You can configure the chip itself to ignore players or objects specifically.

Request Velocity Set Over Duration

Sets the velocity of the input target, similar to Velocity Set, but reapplies every physics tick until either the input duration has elapsed, the authority of the input target has changed, or another impulsing CV2 chip has been executed against the same input target.


Sets the position and rotation of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, selected/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Respawn (Deprecated)

Sets the position and rotation of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, selected/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Camera Shake

Start a screen shake effect for the given player. This will have no effect on VR players.

Set Position

Sets the position of the target player or object. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Position (Deprecated)

Sets the position of the target player or object. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Position in Reference Object Space

Sets the position of the target player or object in the coordinate space defined by the reference object. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Rotation

Sets the rotation of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Rotation in Reference Object Space

Sets the rotation of the target player or object in the coordinate space defined by the reference object. Fails if the target object is marked as static (as all child objects are by default) or if it or its parent is selected/frozen by the maker pen. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Transform

Sets the transform (position and rotation) of the target player or object. Players will rotate about the vertical axis only. Will fail in the following cases: If the target object is currently held, select/frozen by the maker pen, or is the child of a gizmo. Will also fail on players that are seated.

Set Transform in Reference Object Space

Sets the transform (position and rotation) of the target player or object in the coordinate space defined by the reference object. Fails if the target object is marked as static (as all child objects are by default) or if it or its parent is selected/frozen by the maker pen. Will also fail on players that are seated.


Fires an invisible sphere of the specified Radius from the Start Position, in the Direction specified. Returns true if any object or player is hit within the target Max Distance. Otherwise, returns false. You can configure the chip itself to ignore players or objects specifically.

Velocity Add

Adds velocity to the input target. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Add

Adds velocity to the input target. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Reflect

The input target's velocity parallel to the input direction vector is reflected along the input direction and velocities perpendicular to it, are maintained. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Set

Momentarily sets the velocity of the input target in the input direction. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.

Velocity Set (Deprecated)

Momentarily sets the velocity of the input target in the input direction. The input velocity will be multiplied by the magnitude of the vector provided in the input direction.